The Show Must Go On – May 28, 2020

Although the 2020 EASA show has been cancelled due to covid-19 precautions, we are very excited that we can still meet! Well…meet virtually!! The EASA convention is the largest collection of companies within the Electric Motor Industry throughout North America! Although we cannot attend in person, EASA will still be held in a virtual manner showcasing our products and capabilities! All the content will be brought to you directly via laptop, tablet, or phone!
Seipee NA looks forward to engaging with you and showcasing our three-phase asynchronous motors, brake motors, and stainless-steel hygienic motors! This will mark the second year in a row we will be exhibiting, and we look forward to even more interaction and networking than last year, even if it isn’t in person!
This online experience will take place June 15-17, 2020! Stay tuned!